Karen Magnan
8 min readMay 23, 2021


Comediennes Need to Learn How to Be Funny Again!

Make us Laugh at Life

I have Sirius radio in my vehicle. I do enjoy the variety and the lack of commercials. For me, paying to subscribe is worth it to avoid countless advertising that I would not listen to anyway. I would just change the station, just like I do on TV.

I am a country gal, so I listen to my country music when I want to sing along to the radio. Fortunately, no one can hear me outside of the car! Sometimes I bring out my soul side and listen to various R&B and soul music. I listen to comedy channels frequently, also. Comedy is great when you are in a bad mood or depressed. I also enjoy starting my day with comedy. I can keep a sillier outlook on life when I look at life through the eyes of a comedienne. I walk around laughing to myself all day as I watch people. I do think I missed my calling there. I should have been a comedienne. I am sure about that. Of course, those around me think I am a lunatic as I walk through stores and businesses laughing at my secret jokes.

By Flavorwire.com

Violence is Not Funny Folks

I do have my own beef though about comedy now. There are those comediennes I do find funny. They make us laugh about life, make fun of their families, their parents, their neighbors. All things we can all relate to. There are those comediennes I listen to that make me change the channel. I find vulgar comedy and raunchy comedy, not that funny. I do not want to hear you use the “F” bomb over and over again while you are talking about having raunchy sex in the back seat of your pickup truck. Not funny.

I do not find the jokes about killing President Trump, his family, and supporters funny at all. It is damn offensive to me whether or not I voted for the guy. Half the country did, so get over it already. I think he did a pretty damn good job considering all the attacks he had to respond to daily. There was a time when political humor was just that, humorous. There would be funny skits and monologues about politicians in general on both sides, reminding us how funny and dumb they can really be. They could have a field day with all of Biden’s gaffes, but he seems to be untouchable.

I have never heard so many have been, loser comediennes promote such violence and viciousness, all while claiming it is supposed to be funny! I do not know many people who find that sort of humor funny, except in the warped world of Tinseltown where all the fake people live. They may think it is funny but not in the rest of America. People outside of Hollywood could care less what you think about politics or the country in general because you do not live our lives. You have no idea how regular people live and struggle, so stop acting as if you do. Perhaps that is why hardly anyone watches any of your award shows any longer. They are just not entertaining or funny! Come to think of it, people are not that interested in paying for your movies either. YOU have turned us off, so we are turning YOU off.

Kathy Griffin thought this bloody head of Trump was funny!

Make Fun of Stupid Behavior and Attitudes!

Funny stories of success about life in general, instead of stories of death and crime because you think that is what people want to hear. Make us laugh at how stupid people are for committing violence, not by laughing and making it seem like it was somehow a good thing to do, and funny. We just want comediennes to entertain us with stories of your mama, your papa, your wife, your kids, your girlfriend, your job. The same things that we also struggle with. Make people laugh at the stupidity of committing violence, not the act itself as if it is normal behavior.

Life can be hard for all ethnic groups. Some groups have it harder than others. Pointing out the failures of civilization, glorifying violence, and making that seem funny, well, it is not. Committing violence is stupid. Make people feel stupid for committing violence. A comedienne should help you laugh at being stupid, and make you feel stupid for doing stupid things. Comediennes should help you laugh at being stupid so you recognize the next time you are being stupid. Maybe you will not be so stupid next time. Get it? Comedy is supposed to help us laugh at life and at ourselves. Everyone needs to lighten up and laugh at the absurdity of it all already.

Those who talk or make jokes about their own race or another’s race are usually the ones that are prejudiced. Those who scream the loudest against something are usually hiding their own prejudice. Point your finger at others, and they will not see you are the one actually doing it. Children learn this by the time they are four years old as they point at their brother and say, “he did it.” Brother gets the beating or punished, and the four-year-old now understands the game and grows up to be a politician! We are all on the same team, although you would not know it.

There are SO Many Really Funny Situations in Life

Let’s Make Those Who commit Violence Look Stupid

My point with all of this is, when will comedy just be funny. Comedy and music about killing people, violence in general, raunchy talk about your fake sex life, throwing the “F” bomb after every word are just offensive and not very funny. Life, in general, is hysterical. Walk around Walmart or the supermarket, and watch people, and you could have a year’s worth of routines imitating people in general, repeating what you see them doing, or wearing. I saw a guy at the supermarket last week shopping in his flannel pajamas, flannel plaid bathrobe, and slippers. I was laughing all day as I showed the secret photo I took to everyone I met. He looked ridiculous!

There are those who think to be funny they have to insult an entire race of people; WHY? It is usually their own race, too. They are not pointing out funny things, they are making fun of them and making them all look bad. Do not hold yourself back, your nationality back, your sex back by ridiculing your kind just to entertain us. Rise up, and laugh about your success and failures, in spite of being a woman, Native American, a black man or woman, Asian or gay. You are not those things. They are labels society gave us. You are an individual human being, like the rest of us. Feel free to make fun of those who put you down, make fun of you in some way for being gay, straight, White, Black, Trans, whatever. People like that deserve to be made fun of. Those who make fun of others for who they are, are the stupid ones. Make fun of those people, make fun of how THEY look.


Be a Comedienne, Not a Preacher

People Who Do Not Agree with You Are Not Stupid

You are a comedienne on a stage entertaining people. You made it. Make the rest of us who are living miserable lives no matter what race, gender, or sexual orientation we are, just laugh so we can forget the horrors of life. Not watch you remind us of how horrible life can be for us all every time you speak into a microphone. We want to laugh and forget our problems, to find a way to laugh at them, even when we are not in that audience. As you make us laugh at your everyday problems, even though you are now successful, it makes us laugh at our horrible problems as we sometimes struggle even to survive. We can all have that problem no matter what race, sex, or political party we are in. You can help us laugh at ourselves.

Today it seems that entertainers and comediennes feel as though they are above us and need to lecture us about how stupid we are if we do not agree with their superiority. Who the heck do these people think they are? People are tired of the bad jokes and the lectures.

Do not point out the failures of people or the country, but help us laugh at those failures. Help us laugh at the big stuff so that they become small. Help us laugh at the small stuff, so we see how stupid they are. The role of the entertainer, no matter what form of entertaining you do, is to entertain us, so we forget our problems for a couple of hours. We do not need the world’s failures thrown at us every time you speak into a microphone, so we not only feel like failures as individuals but as a human race. We need to find hope. One way to find hope is through laughing at society’s problems and mistakes.

We do not need you to preach to us!! Entertainers are not our mothers or fathers. They are not our pastors. How dare any of you tell us how to live, or what we can or cannot say. Look in the mirror, are you perfect? Many of you think you are, it seems. Let me tell you, YOU are NOT perfect, so shut up about how we should live our lives.



Laugh, Laugh, Laugh

Bob Hope used to make a point of entertaining the troops for fifty years. Many comediennes still do this. Getting soldiers to laugh at life during a war, now that is a true comedienne!

A comedienne who can laugh at their own everyday problems and have the listener then laugh at their own problems, in comparison, has a real gift; the gift of COMEDY.

There is the old saying: Laughter is the Best Medicine. I always believed this wholeheartedly.

Laugh in the face of danger.

Laugh in the face of misery.

Laugh in the face of sorrow.

Then you can laugh in the face of death because that laughter made life easier and more bearable. You are getting out of the rat race and going to Heaven. Think about your crazy life and laugh about it, help us to laugh at it. Cross over with a smile on your face and then you can join those that left before and continue laughing at life and the ironies of it from there. I bet Bob Hope, George Burns, George Carlin, Jack Benny, and all the other comedy greats are in Heaven entertaining the troops up there.

A true comedy genius can find something to laugh at in all situations. Life is funny, people are funny. Help us laugh at the silliness of it again.

When Comedy Met Combat; emmys.com



Karen Magnan

Author, writer, artist. I love to create intriguing stories and characters. Most of my readers have been under ten years old, but I am expanding to grown-ups.